Five Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Traffic



Your website is the hub for everything your company does online. As the place to find information about your company, browse products or services, or make a purchase, your website provides leads, customers, and clients with the resources they need. However, getting them to your site isn’t always easy.

As a business owner, you may struggle to bring new traffic to your website. When you’re not attracting attention from your leads or potential customers, you won’t be able to make the connections you need to land new sales. Without selling any products or services, your company can’t grow.

While you can drive traffic to your website in several ways, they’re not always easy. If you don’t have the right strategies or are not implementing the right plans, you may find that you’re putting in a lot of work but not seeing many returns. To boost your website traffic, you need to get smart.

Social media is one of the best tools for referring new traffic to your website. As a direct line of communication between you and your target audience, social media allows you to grab your audience’s attention and push them through to your site to view more content or explore a new piece. However, just any social media strategy won’t improve your traffic.

Let’s look at five ways you can use your social media profiles to boost the number of visitors you’re getting on your website.

I. Connect with Influencers

When you’re sharing content on social media, it helps to get help from trusted and respected audience members. These individuals, known as influencers, can help get your content in front of a larger, more trusting audience. Because your influencer’s followers trust and value the information they share, connecting with an influencer can help your content get more clicks.

Influencer marketing can be done in several ways. Sometimes, brands luck out, and an influencer will share a piece of content naturally. However, in most situations, the influencer needs a bit of incentive to share the piece. Because they know how valuable their online presence is, you may be looking at a fee to have that influencer share your content.

Consider what influencers may be interested in your content and who your target audience values. While increasing your traffic back to your website is important, you want to ensure you’re attracting the attention of individuals who may turn into customers. Don’t connect with just anyone with a large social media following. Instead, think strategically about the influencers you partner with.

II. Offer a Giveaway

There is no denying that people love free things. If you want to improve the amount of traffic going to your website, one of the best ways to attract the attention of your target audience is to offer them something for free. Not only will this get them listening, but it will also get them engaged.

Offering a giveaway at the end of a blog post or other content can also help you increase the number of shares that post gets. When people collect their free item, they want to tell their friends and family about it. This means they’ll be more likely to share your post on social media, improving your chances of attracting additional leads and customers.

You don’t need to get too fancy about your giveaway. While some companies give away free items or prizes, you can see results from giving away a printable, ebook, or other piece of content. Whatever you choose to hand out, make sure you’re collecting information from your leads that you can use to continue marketing to them.

III. Include a Click to Tweet in Your Posts

To improve your traffic through social platforms, you want to increase the number of shares you get on social media. When your community engages with your content, they can get their friends, family, and followers talking about your company. However, to start the conversation, you must make it easy for your readers.

Our readers and website visitors are busy people. This means they don’t have time for extra steps or additional processes. While they may share your content if they find it extremely interesting, you still want to make it as easy as possible for them to do so. Including Click to Tweet links throughout your content is a great way to improve shares and…CLICK TO TWEET.

The quotes you decide to single out for your Click to Tweet sections are to look for phrases that can stand independently. They must be intriguing enough to attract attention and encourage the audience to click through, but they shouldn’t be confusing or feel out of place. Choose sentence bits that share what the content is about but also don’t need a lot of context to make sense.

IV. Know Your Most Valuable Platform

Depending on your industry and target audience, you will likely have a social media platform that performs better than the others. While FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Instagram tend to be the four most popular, they may not be the biggest platform for you and your brand. When marketing on social media, you want to focus on what is best for you.

Knowing which platform is your most valuable can help you understand the best ways to connect with your target audience. If you understand where your audience is hanging out and what kinds of content they engage the most with, you can craft your social media strategy to appeal to their unique needs and preferences. When you create content that matches their preferences, you can improve your shares, comments, and likes.

Look at the social media platforms that get the most attention from your target audience. However, keep in mind that not all engagements are equal. While you may get a lot of likes on one platform, they may not translate into traffic to your website. Instead, focus on the platform that gives you the most new website visitors.

V. Create a Conversation

Many companies fail at social media because they use their profiles only to tweet out links to their website, products, or content. While social media can be a great place for sharing this information, it must be done in the right context. You won’t get anyone to click through without an idea of your content.

When sharing links to your website on social media, you want to include them in a conversation as much as possible. Whether you start a conversation by encouraging your fans, friends, and followers to go to a blog post view a piece of content, or post your link in response to another individual’s post, creating a conversation can help your links fit more naturally.

Try to demonstrate the value of each post you share on social media. By including links to your content that address your target audience’s specific needs, you can boost the number of clicks and traffic to your website. Moreover, you can enhance your online authority by incorporating links into conversations where they naturally fit.

Social media is a great way to boost website traffic. However, if your social media fans and followers want to click through to your website, you must be strategic about your posts. With these five tips, you can improve your social media strategy and increase your website traffic.

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